Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2012 Marketing Campaign Planning Tips for Roofing Contractors

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If you haven't already, it is time to begin planning your 2012 marketing campaigns.

One aspect roofing contractors might not always consider is timing. When is the best time to put up a billboard? When is the best time to mail out a postcard? When should you send out email communications?

A tool I always find helpful is Google Insights. This handy offering allows you to dig in to when people search for very specific terms. Whether your campaign is digital or print, knowing when people are interested in what product or service you are offering is extremely valuable. Here's another helpful hint: don't launch marketing campaigns when people get interested - time it to be delivered just before they are so your brand is in their minds when the need arises.

The United States search history over the past 3 years for the term "roofing" demonstrates that people consistently most search for that term during quarters 2 and 3 (April through September). When is the best time to launch your marketing campaigns? I would say February or March, right as the ramp-up of search begins (circled in red).

Go down further in the tool and you'll see geographically where the term is most searched. The middle section of the picture in this post shows that Oklahoma has the highest interest for the term "roofing" (you can drill down to the state(s) you do business in to make this relevant).

Click on your state and you'll see an even more granular geographic detail as well as the top search terms and the search terms that are more recently quickly rising. Are you using these terms as SEO bait on your website, blog, tweets, Facebook posts, etc.? If not, you should be as this is what people in your geographic region type in when trying to find information about roofing.

Feel free to type in any term you want this data for, and specify the timeframe you want to look at (I suggest at least 3 years to get a full sense of the trend). Drill down until you are seeing the relevant data for the region(s) you serve.

If you have any questions about or would like help with marketing campaigns or search insights for your geographic area, please email Chris@RoofPal.com.


  1. Roof is the most vital structure for any building; therefore a large number of reputed companies had entered in this field and offering quality roofing services.

    Roofing Tewksbury MA

  2. I found your blog VIA twitter from http://roofersmarketing.com. I started a roofing marketing campaign for 2012, I usually get a lot of my business from the phonebook, but I am considering going viral. Is online the best way to get my business found now?

    1. DW Roofing and Construction - Thank you for taking the time to look around my blog! Online absolutely needs to be a component of your overall marketing strategy. But "online" is a pretty generic term. You definitely need a specific strategy. Feel free to email me at RoofPal@gmail.com if you'd like to chat more. Best of luck!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very informative article! Thanks, Chris!

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